Slot Coordination
Stratus is qualified to allocate slots, facilitate schedules between airlines and airports, and analyze scheduling information for the generation of various statistical reports, serving airports ranging from those with few movements to the most congested ones.
Stratus follows the current procedures and standards of WSG/IATA (World Slot Guidelines / International Air Transport Association), ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency), and CGNA/DECEA (Air Navigation Management Center / Airspace Control Department). Stratus works to ensure efficient capacity use and the best operational performance for airports and airlines.
Stratus’ experience in airport capacity management and expansion, including runway systems and passenger terminals (TPS), combined with its deep knowledge of slot coordination technologies, places the company in a unique and unparalleled position in the sector. By working in partnership with airports, Stratus optimizes all existing infrastructure, ensuring efficient operations with total transparency, neutrality, and fairness.

Viracopos Airport / Campinas
VCP – Viracopos International Airport
Santos Dumont Highway, km 66 – Campinas, São Paulo, BR